9 Things To Consider While Buying The New Bedsheet For Your Bedroom

All you want is maximum time-out in your bedroom after a tiring and stressed day outside. You want it cozy and comfortable when you hop into your bed while binging on TV or talking to your partner. Here extra deep fitted sheets turn out to be a great deal for providing the ultimate relaxation all night long.  Bedsheets typically go unchanged for days and weeks and serve as a perfect bedroom staple without which your bedroom looks dreary and incomplete. Thus, it must be comfy enough that it brings a big smile to your face just by laying over them. 

However, how can you be certain that we’ve purchased the ideal set of bedsheets? A few factors that must be taken into account are that it looks good and complements the rest of your decor in addition to being comfortable. This is why we’re here to help you choose the right set of linens for your bedroom so you can relax and sleep well every night.

  1. Thread count 

When it comes to thread count, you may have heard that a greater thread count means more comfy bedding. Even though a greater thread count does not always guarantee that your linens are soft as designers can change them by adding silicone softeners that evaporate after the first wash. Hunt for the best quality 100 percent cotton but not 1000-thread count sheets are the best for comfort. You can choose either polyester or percale blend if you want something cost-effective otherwise Egyptian cotton, Pima cotton, and combed cotton are some other excellent alternatives.

  1. Choose the fabric wisely. 

It’s entirely up to you what kind of fabric you choose to use for your bed sheets. If you’re hunting for something weightless, consider cotton bedding. Cotton fabric is a wonderful option as it is extremely soft and breathable, and it may keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Cotton-polyester blends are fairly priced and wrinkle-free, but they don’t have the same cooling effect as cotton. Nothing can beat the linen in its natural cooling properties and the ability to absorb heat, thus making it perfect for summer attire. Choose linen that gets softer with each wash, but that also wrinkles easily and thus needs proper care and ironing.

  1. Be cautious while choosing Egyptian cotton.

The Sheets made from Egyptian cotton are the most lavishly soft. Despite that,  you must be aware that not all Egyptian cotton bed sheets are real. Genuine Egyptian cotton is cultivated in Egypt in a particular climate and cleaned and combed meticulously to ensure that the fibers are of the highest quality. The reason they are so soft and durable is because of their careful manufacturing and weaving. It’s true that certain bed linen retailers have developed other ways to produce Egyptian cotton more quickly. This results in a lower-quality product since it is cultivated outside of its native habitat. However, despite the low-quality Egyptian cotton, the price is still high. That’s why you need to exercise caution at all times while choosing the Egyptain cotton bedsheets.

  1. Percale or satin?

When considering percale, some individuals may wonder which is preferable, percale or satin? At the end of the day, choosing between parcel or satin is entirely your personal preference. With a crisp, cold feel to it, percale is ideal for those who become sweaty while they’re sleeping. Satin-like sheen and softness are two of the aspects of sateen.  It’s a good idea to touch the textiles and see which one you prefer to sleep on.

  1. Choose the right bed size

Picking up the right size is a mandatory step while shopping for new bed sheets. If not, you might end up having bed linens that are too short or too large for your mattress, destroying the complete bedroom look in a snap. If you have a double bed, a double bed sheet will be the right fit for your mattress. For single, queen, and king-size fitted sheets, you can easily find bed sheets in single, queen, and king sizes, respectively. 

  1. Plain or prints? 

You have learned the fundamentals; it is time to concentrate on the aesthetics of your bedding. The choice is yours: plains or prints? You can use plain colored ones if you have a lot of cushions, comforters, and drapes that are patterned or if your theme is more about color clashing. You also have an option of printed bedsheets. Choose bed sheets with stunning patterns and hues that mirror your personal style.

  1. Make perfect coordination. 

The importance of coordination cannot be overstated. Closely observe the entire bedroom décor to get an idea of your personal decor sense and the colors you like. Make sure that the bed linens you purchase match the headboard and other bed textiles. Some people don’t really bother about achieving a uniform bedroom makeover. That’s OK, but if you want your bedroom to seem cohesive, you’ll need to be more organized.

  1. Seasonal bedding 

Wondering what seasonal bedding means? To all those people who enjoy changing their bed linens on a regular basis, know how important it is to switch them according to the season. It is a good idea to invest in sheets that will look good all year round but make certain that some bed sheets are best for summer and some textiles are perfect for winter. Take the temperature into account, and then buy your bedsheets accordingly. 

  1. Proper caring and maintenance are important.

When it comes to bedsheets, it doesn’t really matter what sort of material you buy, as long as you take proper care of it. To make your linens soft, you can use fabric softener, but this can eat away the gentle fabric since it coats it with harsh and strong chemicals. As a result, threads would break more quickly if the sheets were washed and dried at high temperatures.

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